Thursday, August 27, 2020

sometimes I play an important part as audience. as someone who will feel the story, feel it's horror and disgust and feel each thread of its messy moral dilemmas tug and shred my heart. someone who will get into the character, feel his pain his desperation - that which makes him adopt a story in which he is not his daughter's father, so that she is no longer haunted by his life and his stories. I can also see her demons come alive just as they do for her, while in the moment separating myself and watching as if an out of body experience; that little shield saves me from going where there's no coming back from, that she wouldn't have. I can feel that loss of grasp too, even though she is just a story. I also feel responsible and complicit, on both sides, on all sides, because I am her and him and them who traumatize them. and I am me too, the one on the outside of it all, protected and unscathed and probably therefore somehow the reason. 

we all play a part, each complicated and with unforeseen impact. the important thing is not to let their stories fade. so watch Stateless on Netflix and let yourself in.

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