Thursday, March 19, 2015

came upon this

the following, by Joan Naviyuk Kane

In a House Apart

You hurt me, then,
Burnt a bird’s white plumage—
Claim that we are the better for it,
That we will heal in time.

Strident and inaccurate
Despite all proximity,
The mountains no longer
Made me feel better.

The year in its wheel of winter
And its small cylinder of light
In excess. Far pillars could
Resemble human figures

Though only rock rises
From some progression
Of dust, demand, and rotten
Wood. I place my hand on stone
And become stone myself.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

small and big news around the world

ugh. Netanyahu again. :(((

on another note, some churches in the western world let muslims pray inside them. St. John's Church, Waterloo deserves applause for this, for bridging gaps between religious groups especially by reaching out to those who cannot find mosques in their immigrant land. although I do not understand why christian idols would need to be covered while such a service was on???

anyway sadly the orthodox devouts step in to stop this, just as expected.

I walked into a similar service in a church here the other day. but it was better, nothing was covered, and anyone could join in whatever garb they had on. some people were simply using praying space to pray in the only way they knew. we should open up all houses of prayer to peoples of all religion. in fact I later learned of another church here that allows muslim services. not naming them cos the orthodox hawks can't be trusted to let them pray in peace.

why have people stopped blogging?

I'm reduced to reading my own blog.. posts from the past.

is it strange that I enjoy it a lot??

its like getting to know myself, from outside myself. and I like what I see. vanity, pride, or simply a lack of regret?

Sunday, March 1, 2015

lovesong - Ted Hughes

the poem is disturbing. the love making almost violent. and yet it ends with this beautiful imagery.

"Their heads fell apart into sleep like the two halves
Of a lopped melon, but love is hard to stop

In their entwined sleep they exchanged arms and legs
In their dreams their brains took each other hostage

In the morning they wore each other's face"

... and I didn't know whether I was dreaming of sleeping with you or sleeping with you and dreaming.