Sunday, August 9, 2020

some people write so badly. reading their writing gives me this ugh feeling, and it has nothing to do with the subject of their writing. it's about how difficult it is for those words they forced in those sentences to be together. there's this one guy whose writing in general is pretty good, and then when he thinks he is writing poems, oh my god, the rhymes are so forced it's almost like the words have been forced to copulate together under some threat. there's this other gal who writes as if it's an excuse to use big words in her sentences, and as if she still hasn't learned how to form them smoothly. and these are two people who think they write well. so therefore they post their prose and poetry on facebook, the platform where good writing gets discovered, where amateurs practice and depend on their audience's impartial criticism <sarcasm>. in response, people rave about their writing; god knows who these people are. I've thought many times of leaving an honest comment, "your rhyme is very forced. your prose on the other hand is beautifully written." Or, to the gal, "please don't write, just to use words that don't belong together." but of course I can't do that. 

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