Wednesday, July 20, 2022

I am watching hubby sleep. In his Budapest tshirt and jeans, with an N95 mask on his face (that is sliding off his nose as he peacefully slumbers) because we are sharing a room while still trying to protect him from me, and because I was eating with my mask off when he dozed. and i watch his pink feet, with their unnaturally high arches, his unkempt hair that needs a cut, his gentle breath filling him and coming out again, his childlike innocence, and I feel like kissing his feet but I am maintaining my covid distance. 

he has gained quite a bit of weight, as a side effect of his medication, and because I was away for half this summer and not around to keep him eating and exercising mindfully (he spent that time with parents, who continuously snack, and then with brother and family). I'm a lil worried about the weight gain, in more ways than one. I am worried about the risk of diabetes, which also is a side effect, but more of how I feel around his body. I remember some years ago, a long living-together couple, his friends, had suddenly changed such that the guy lost significant weight and suddenly looked very fit and attractive. I remember then telling hubby that I thought that was a threat to their relationship cos the guy had started to want the woman also to lose weight then, and i said something to the effect of 'when a person in a couple suddenly loses or gains considerable weight it upsets the equilibrium in a relationship, especially when the two people were more alike before the change'. I feel like a protagonist in such a movie now. 

and yet there is "unless you really care about the person", words my colleague said that evening when we were talking about fidelity and monogamy. although he said it while explaining why he didn't understand how people could restrict their desires for their spouse's happiness, making it sound almost like an impossibility. and i had blurted in response, "that's a big 'unless', no?".

I didn't get the quiet guy I connected strangely with to meet hubby. I didn't know how they would each feel, especially the former, cos with hubby i had been more honest. but also because I didn't want him seeing us at this point in our lives, with us looking so different; i felt he would misjudge, he wouldn't understand that this is temporary or transitory, and that there is a lot much deeper that cannot be revealed to someone outside the marriage. I felt like he would get the wrong message, a false lead, some false hope.

but I do miss him a lot. and i believe we both communicated to each other enough that we really liked each other's company, and that we were sad it couldn't turn into something larger or that it had to end here, for now.

and he has a surgery today. I wonder if he has someone to take care of him. and i told him I got covid so he could test too if he felt like it, as he was one of my close contacts a couple days before I tested positive. i.e. we are still emailing..

"nothing really matters; and you make the best of what you have".

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