I had thought we would want to share this place with friends and family. but so far it feels comfortable without, plus maybe the curtain rod will fall down on their heads (etc.) if people unfamiliar with the weaknesses of this home stay here. hah.
running in the biodiversity park is even more exhilarating than just running. y'day I met a fellow runner from the other park in it and he started giving me tips on how to use my hands; apparently my hands are too lose and it bothers him. hah to that too. and i always thought his hands looked too tight, too close to his body, and too uncomfortable for what I consider freestyle running. but I didn't mansplain.
Safal outlets I have grown to appreciate a lot. there's one near here too, I like stopping by after a run and picking up produce, dairy, frozen stuff, etc. the guys who man them are different from random others all around. they will initially stare but immediately avert their gaze when they realise you are conscious. and they are very efficient, professional (as can get here), and to the point. I wonder if they are trained.
work (research) is suffering. and last class I made multiple silly mistakes in how answered questions on indifference curves in one of the two sections of intro classes that I'm teaching this sem. after so much study of this subject it is still possible to do this? I must be an idiot