Monday, May 18, 2020

in other news

a cousin's wife has got covid19 in Bombay. they have a 2-yr old kid, I'm worried how they will care for her. hope they don't all get it. she hasn't yet been tested, but doc on phone said it looks like it. I'm also worried that she's having some breathlessness and her O2 levels have not been checked yet. they've been advised to get a meter. cousin's mom has chronic anxiety issues, so we are refraining from calling and expressing our worries. 

I am reading about schizophrenia, and I can barely put the book down. and because I mostly read before sleeping, this means I'm not sleeping much these days.

so this morning I had to unwrap the pencils k had gifted to me last year. and I had to sketch. this ficus has lived with us a couple years now, time enough for me to know it's needs and for it to get used to our environment. 

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