Thursday, January 28, 2016

all play and no work

living alone means making up your own rules. or to live without them when you want. I took time off from whiling it away to being at the local duck-pond while the sun was high up and the cold wind confused one's sense of the sun's warmth. it was a week-day, so it was pretty empty, but being fort worth that's quite usual even over the weekends. I saw two old men feeding the ducks and geese (and swans?); some even venturing close enough to them to eat out of one's hands. in fact they were the third pair of ppl I saw feeding the ducks just today. and yes, a couple of the cutie pies (not the old men, the ducks) put up a clowning show for me, literally for me, cos they came up real close to me and kept 'duck'ing into the water and playing away.

next time, I'll stop to buy a loaf of bread before heading out to see my hungry friends.

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