Friday, September 19, 2008

i have been wanting to write something more professional for quite some time. by professional i do not mean in the artistic sense but in the politico-economic sense. because that is what i am working on and have been reading and tracking even beyond work. and yet nothing gets written by me in time. i mean, when i can confidently write about something, usually by then the topic has died a natural death in everybody's minds. or if not that then there are already so many write ups available in the media that mine would look like a cut-copy-paste even if my fingers typed unknowingly. so there. an economist my age. who can't predict too many things. well actually nothing with certainty. has to wait for the journalists for what actually happened. and then i can only comment on a topic after its demise (even that i don't actually do). sometimes then i am jubilant and wistful. theres a sense of "i knew it would turn out like that. only if i had put something down in words."

how do the people who rise begin their flight. i mean how are they confident in their first few stumbling steps. how does a fresh graduate student monitor and handle people working under him/her. i could spend a lifetime without achieving anything great and i can almost prophesy that. without a forecast and without any data. how does a young economist walk through life to finally become a national security advisor? or manmohan singh for that matter. i would have liked to know the PM as a young scholar. where do these people get their conviction from. and what do the people who are not Nashes do? basically what do the 'not-geniuses' do on earth.


Lalola Lalola said...

Hi. I am a regular at your blog. You write wonderful!! I, too, am a budding writer of sorts and would love to write and opine on so many things. But I just don't know what and how and when to say them! Your post today put exactly into words what I'd been feeling for long. Thanks :)

colours said...

don't believe its me you're talking about. thanks

Unknown said...

hey how does it matter if you're a few days late on a new story anyway? those of us who do read your blog aren't doing it to keep up-to-date with the headlines anyway. We're here to read what you've got to say, so if it takes you a while to say it, then that's okay with us. and the cool thing about blogs is that you can link and refer to other articles, so if there's something that someone has said better than you, you can just link to it.
And as for the economy, one could argue that everything is cyclical anyway, so what appears to be delayed commentary on the recent past could over time be considered forecasts of the future, so you needn't worry about that aspect :-)

colours said...

:) JC. i meant i have been trying to write something that may be worth some lil newspaper or mini journal publication. my office director keeps pushing us to. and i believe he is right. esp if topics and countries are related to what i am working on... and that kind of professional writing needs to be done before its late. or maybe i just use time as an excuse to justify my fear of writing